Workshop III: Semantic Interoperability in Data Spaces

Workshop III: Semantic Interoperability in Data Spaces

1 day interactive workshop on:(i) tools and implementations & (ii) different industry approaches in Semantic Interoperability in Data Spaces

Date and time

Tuesday, October 1 · 9am - 5pm CEST


Danubius Hotel Arena

1-3 Ifjúság útja 1148 Budapest Hungary


9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Welcome by the WS chair Sebastian Steinbuß (IDSA)

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

BDVA Paper Data Sharing Spaces and Interoperability, Rigo Wenning (ERCIM, W3C)

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Keynote: Interoperability in Data Spaces (tba)

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Talks from the Call for Participation

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch Break

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Interactive Fish Bowl Session (moderated)

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Coffee Break

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Plenary Discussion and Outlook on the topic

About this event

  • Event lasts 8 hours

The continuously increasing number of data spaces and data markets in Europe, as well as the related funding lines and regulations by the European Commission (for instance the Data Governance Act and several programme lines in Horizon Europe and Digital Europe) regarding the topics of (secure) data sharing of industrial and personal related data as well as research data clearly shows the increasing need to discuss, specify and realise (syntactic and semantic) data interoperability between such data spaces and beyond.

In June 2022 the 1st workshop: Data Spaces & Semantic Interoperability was accomplished by the TRUSTS project, University of Economics Vienna, IDSA, W3C, SWC, FhG FIT and DIO identifying the bottlenecks and gaps in Data Space interoperability.

In September 2023 the 2nd workshop: Use Cases, Tooling, Governance took place exploring and discussing the current tool & best practice landscape regarding Syntactic and Semantic Interoperability in Data Spaces organised by IDSA, ERCIM, SWC, Insight, Glaciation, and DataBri-X at the SEMANTiCS 23 conference.

All information from the works series is available via:

In October 2024 the 3rd workshop will take place back2back with the European Big Data Value Forum 2024 (EBDVF2024) on 01 October 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. The focus of the 3rd workshop is two-fold: (i) to discuss different approaches for semantic interoperability in and between data spaces (e.g. ontologies and controlled vocabularies, SHACL shapes, JSON schemas, etc…), and (ii) to raise awareness for and discuss cross-domain (semantic) interoperability concepts (e.g. methodologies, vocabularies) AND to bridge the gap between such concepts, overall and particular in regards to standardisation.

This one-day workshop will be a mix of presentations, interactive parts and discussions and brings together researchers, decision makers and practitioners in the field of the development and operation of European (common) data spaces, data markets and other web-based data management systems that allow data sharing, trading and data collaboration, to discuss requirements, standards, tools, licences and more regarding (semantic data) interoperability in data spaces.

The output document will summarise all the inputs and discussions about mainly (a) different approaches of semantic interoperability inside and between data spaces, (b) current concrete applied methods of semantic interoperability in specific domains and thereby highlighting differences and overlaps. The outcome will be published freely available under an open licence / under open access.

Workshop Organisers (in alphabetic order)

Supporting Projects (in alphabetic order)

All information from the workshop series is available via:

Organized by
