Women's Cacao Circle: Easing into Autumn

Women's Cacao Circle: Easing into Autumn

Women's circle at a lovely setting—a tea house in the heart of Amsterdam. Let's enjoy ceremonial cacao and get cosy together.

Date and time

Sunday, September 29 · 6 - 8pm CEST


Tea Culture Club & Tea House Moychay.nl

92H Rozengracht 1016 NH Amsterdam Netherlands

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Are you longing to get together with a group of women in a lovely setting in the heart of Amsterdam? This event is for you.

We'll meet at the tea house Moychay to spend a cosy evening together, filled with ceremonial cacao.

• The circle •

The seasons are changing, summer is making way for autumn as the nights are getting darker and longer. Our bodies are connected to the rhythms of nature—you might have noticed yourself being mentally and physically in need of a slower pace after the summer season. Autumn is calling us to turn inwards and nurture ourselves in preparation for the colder months.

In this women’s circle we’ll come together to nourish our being and give ourselves the permission to relax into the softness of the new season. We’ll start the circle with a cup of ceremonial cacao to gently open the heart space. We'll also share wisdom and connect with each other, reflect and journal, explore with intuitive movement and other somatic practices designed to nourish the body during the autumn season. We'll finish with a meditation journey with the shamanic drum.

You'll also get to enjoy some delicious Moychay tea (included in the price) before the start of the circle—be sure to arrive early!

In the circle we'll reflect on questions like:

• How can you notice the change of seasons in your body and mind?
• What are the things you want to call in during the autumn season?
• How can you nurture yourself and your body in the coming months?

Please bring with you a notebook and a pen for the journaling.

• Your facilitator •

Titta is a women's circle facilitator, intuitive healer and yoga teacher. She has a passion for creating safe spaces for others to connect deeper with themselves and discover their inner world. She's hosted public and private cacao ceremonies and women's circles for 3 years now—lately she's dedicated her work for women in particular, to help them find more balance and inner peace by slowing down and starting to live in sync with their bodies and energy.

• The venue •

The circle will take place at tea house Moychay where you can find wide range of special teas, eastern-inspired interior and three tea rooms where to enjoy your tea at. The tea house is located at Rozengracht, in the city centre of Amsterdam.

• Details •

The price of the event is 40€. This includes admission to the women's circle, a cup of ceremonial cacao during the event and a welcome tea by the house.

In order to join, you can purchase a ticket through the following link: https://moychay.nl/collections/events/products/women-s-cacao-circle-easing-into-autumn-29-09-at-18-00

If you have a question, you can reach out by sending an email to earthmedicinewithtitta@gmail.com or messaging me on Instagram @earthmedicinewithtitta.

I'm looking forward to sharing this beautiful evening with you.


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