Why we have the Homomonument and about forgotten queer heroes

Why we have the Homomonument and about forgotten queer heroes

The 4th of May we remember in the Netherlands the victims of World War 2. Since 1987 the LGBT+ community gathers on the Homomonument

By Special Amsterdam Tours

Select date and time

Friday, May 2 · 7 - 7:30pm CEST


Homo Monument

Westermarkt 1016 Amsterdam Netherlands

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

Queer storyteller, tourguide and historian Henk B. de Vries noticed that many in the community do not know why we have a Homomonument and who we have to thank for that.

The LGBT community is the one community who do not grow up in their own community, their shared history is often not felt or unknown.

Henk B.'s mission is through storytelling to empower the community with their forgotten queer heroes.

That is why he will storytell on the 2nd and 3rd May at 19:00 pm on the Homomonument. Book your ticket, because of the license only 15 tickets are available.

Queer storyteller, tourguide en historicus Henk B. de Vries merkte op dat veel mensen in de gemeenschap niet weten waarom we een Homomonument hebben en aan wie we dat te danken hebben.

De LHBT-gemeenschap is de enige gemeenschap die niet opgroeit in hun eigen gemeenschap, hun gedeelde geschiedenis is vaak niet voelbaar of onbekend.

De missie van Henk B. is om via storytelling de gemeenschap te versterken met hun vergeten queer helden.

De missie van Henk B. is om via storytelling de gemeenschap te versterken met hun vergeten queer helden.

Daarom spreekt hij 2 en 3 mei om 19:00 uur op het homomonument. Boek je ticket, vanwege de vergunning zijn er slechts 15 plekken beschikbaar.

Organized by

We organize tours in Amsterdam about special topics only. As a LGBT Gay Company we do not discriminate and welcome also straight people. As the outside company we do not provide red light district tours. That is boring. We go in depth into the history of Amsterdam. From the Dutch Masters in the Rijksmuseum, the Royal tour about the most fascinating Royal family of Europe. The Orange Nassau's the Dutch Royal Family. And of cours our LGBT Gay History Tour. 400 years of gay history of Amsterdam.

We love to tell the story of something different. You can also book us for private tours. Go home having heard the different story of Amsterdam. Henk is something else, he takes you on a journey...
