Make New Friends in Amsterdam

Make New Friends in Amsterdam

Vibend makes meeting new people dead easy. We create curated meetups where people can meet people of similar age and interests.

Door Vibend

Datum en tijd

zon, 7 jul. 2024 12:00 - 15:00 CEST


Kwakersplein 2

2 Kwakersplein 1053 TZ Amsterdam Netherlands

Over dit evenement

  • Evenement duurt 3 uren

    Make New Friends in Amsterdam with Vibend.

    Please register here for the meetup on Sunday the 7th of July. There is no need to get a ticket via Eventbrite!

    In person.

    Making new friendships isn't easy. Countless apps promise a lot, but rarely deliver. Vibend matches you with a group of like-minded people you meet during a meetup. So you can immediately get a sense of how well you connect.

    Always in a group.

    Meeting new people can be scary. Vibend pairs you with a group of 4 to 6 people which you meet in a café in the centre of Amsterdam. Making meeting new people both safe and convenient.

    No effort required.

    Finding new friends can take a lot of time, and organizing a meetup can be a hassle. Vibend takes care of everything, from matching to the first meetup. This way you can focus on what matters most: getting to know new people you can connect with.

    Georganiseerd door

    Vibend makes meeting new people dead easy. No app. No swiping. No nonsense. Meet people in real life.