The power of your Voice & Breath day-retreat

The power of your Voice & Breath day-retreat

Yoga and Somatic movement, Breathwork, Voicework and Soundhealing plus more during this day retreat in NL

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zon, 27 okt. 2024 10:00 - 17:00 CET



Amsterdam Amsterdam Netherlands

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Over dit evenement

The power of your Breath & Voice |
27st of October 2024 | full day event

Amsterdam, NL

This special day is a beautiful co-creation between Florine Gabriel and Nicole Dooper. We are grateful for co-creating a field of empowerment, awareness and authenticity.

We invite you to participate in a transformative day-retreat designed to nourish your heart, soul, and body. This holistic experience incorporates Yoga & Movement, Energy Transmission, and trough Voice-work a deep connection with your inner voice. What do you wish to express? What creativity lies dormant within you? This day is an opportunity to birth and cultivate your inner self.

Join and celebrate the joyousness and rejuvenation with like-hearted people. Together we can create change in our inner and outer world.

We will start with Yoga & Movement. From a dynamic yoga practice, combining gentle stretches and mindful movement, so that you may release tension and invigorate your body. Getting in – touch with the richness of your body and its wisdom. Where do you feel contracted or rather the expansion?

From there we will transition into Breathwork as a tool to go into altered states of consciousness. When you breathe in a conscious and connective way, you can access your body’s innate healing power. Our body remembers what our mind has forgotten. Giving permission to release repressed energies from your body and dissolve the parts that are ready to be let go off. It creates spaciousness and freedom from within, as you dive into your unique and personal healing journey.

Journaling, connecting with nature and a delicious vegetarian lunch,

We continue to sink further and engage the grandness of your voice as a portal of wisdom, creation and expansion. Using different kind of instruments and movement to activate and empower your (inner-) voice. To express your authentic self. We will gently closing this special day with a nourishing sound journey. Allowing yourself to integrate and be taken on a serene sound journey featuring soothing melodies and harmonics. Guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and renewal.

Let's celebrate the wisdom and voice that you behold!

*If you have done sessions with Nicole, or Florine in the past, we warmly invite you to come and dive deeply within. To dance, sing, feel, meet and expand together in depth. So that we may remember that we are not alone and have the possibility to create a vortex together. If you have done sessions with a colleague of ours, please reach out and let's connect.

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