Dating 40+ Singles Only

Dating 40+ Singles Only

Come mingle with other awesome singles in their 40s and up, enjoy great conversations, and who knows, maybe find a special connection!

Door Dating

Datum en tijd

woe, 19 mrt. 2025 17:00 - 20:00 CET


Amsterdam Centre Harbour Apartments

175 Prins Hendrikkade 1011 TC Amsterdam Netherlands

Over dit evenement

  • Evenement duurt 3 uren

Welcome to the Dating 40+ Singles Only event! Are you tired of swiping left and right? Ready to meet like-minded individuals in person? Join us at the Amsterdam Centre Harbour Apartments for a night of fun and mingling with other singles over 40. This event is your chance to connect with new people, make meaningful connections, and who knows, maybe even find that special someone! Don't miss out on this opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. See you there!

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