Knowledge Management in Organizations  by Madis Talmar
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Knowledge Management in Organizations by Madis Talmar

Join this workshop to learn about how knowledge is managed within learning environments such as a Student Team by Madis Talmar

By TU/e innovation Space

Date and time

Friday, December 6 · 10:30am - 12:30pm CET


Auditorium, TU/e

Den dolech 5612 AV Eindhoven Netherlands

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

This workshop will address how knowledge is addressed with learning environments, in this case a Student Team. It will look to tackle aspects such as knowledge transfer & retention. It will be held by Madis Talmar.

The workshop will take place in Audi 13 on Friday 6th of December from 10:30 - 12:30.

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