I would love to take you on a historical tour through Amsterdam. We will follow the traces of history that can still be found in the city today. I will tell you about the development of the city and how its inhabitants have shaped it.
Jewish Quarter
During my tour through the Jewish Quarter, I will take you on a journey through time, starting with the arrival of the first Portuguese and Spanish Jews to the neighborhoods around the present-day Waterlooplein. We will walk from the grand synagogues at Mr. Visserplein, through Uilenburg and Rapenburg, into the Plantage, and into the 20th century. I will tell you about the history of Jewish Amsterdam and my own family.
+ highlights
The Ashkenazi and Portuguese Synagogues / Waterlooplein / Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat & urban renewal / “Stolpersteine” / Uilenburgersjoel / Peperburg with views of Lastage / a hidden city oasis / Wertheimpark & Parktheater / Auschwitz Monument / Henri Polaklaan & the Burcht van Berlage / Artis / the National Holocaust Museum & the Hollandsche Schouwburg / the Holocaust Names Monument
* There will be one stop where I can illustrate my story with a presentation. Drinks during the stop are not included.