Hand Painting your favourite R&B Album
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Hand Painting your favourite R&B Album

Get creative at The Social Hub's Hand-Painting R&B Album Workshop—a mix of music, art, and community. Paint, vibe, connect!

By The Social Hub - Porto

Date and time

Saturday, February 8 · 4 - 6pm WET


Praça Dom João I

Praça Dom João I 4000-381 Porto Portugal

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Unleash your creativity at The Social Hub's Hand-Painting R&B Album Workshop! This immersive experience celebrates music, art, and community, inviting you to design your own R&B album cover inspired by the vibrant world of rhythm and blues.

📍 Location: The Social Hub Porto, Praça Dom João I
📅 Date: 8th of february
🕓 Time: 16:00
🎨 Materials Provided: All necessary materials will be supplied by the organizers.

Join us for an afternoon of artistic expression, music appreciation, and creative connection! 🎶✨

Organized by