Future of Textile Conference  SWAP EVENT

Future of Textile Conference SWAP EVENT

Opening The Week of Circularity 2025 with B2B "Future of Textile" SWAP EVENT

By Clean&Unique

Date and time

Monday, March 17 · 4 - 6:30pm CET


Science Park 301 1098 XH Amsterdam

Science Park 1098 Amsterdam Netherlands

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours 30 minutes

Clean&Unique celebrates this year 18th anniversary of our platform and 17th March we will celebrating this in Amsterdam. Our host of today is Sustainalab.

Driven by the 5 P's of People, Planet, Partnership, Purpose and Peace of sustainability we will taggle today Partnership; What has sustainable fashion to do with Partnerships?

During this SWAP EVENT . This SWAP EVENT is hosted by Clean & Unique member The Swapshop

Bring 1-3 items and go home with new items you choose.

Location; Groundfloor Entrance Matrix 1 Building

Time: 16.00 - 19.00 hr.

How it workst:

  1. Hand in your previous favourites
  2. Bring up to 5 items (clothing, shoes and accessories) to this event and hand them in personally.
  3. Turn them into swaps. Receive swaps on your account for every item you turn in. The higher the quality of an item, the more swaps you get.
  4. Choose your new found favourites. Use your swaps to get 50% off the retail price of items in our shops and at our events. Each swap gives a discount of €1.

We are convinced about the power of people by bring them together and something magic happens. Join this festival for a good start of the Week of Circularity

Part of TOEKOMST TEXTIEL CAMPAING. Toekomst Textiel: Clean & Unique ism Sustainalab – de Week van de Circulaire Economie

Frequently asked questions

Can I come by Public Transport?

Yes, a train stop "Science park" is 8 minutes away. A busstop in front of the location

At what time I can come in?

Doors of the NEO cafe are open at 08.30 hr

Can I stay at the Matrix Building till the next event?

Yes, there are public work spaces available

What food offers the NEO Cafe?

During the B2B Future of Textiles breakfast we will offer as sustainable as possible

Organized by

Clean & Unique is the leading on- and off-line platform for sustainable fashion brands, designers, experts and suppliers. Here, they all find each other and strengthen each other.

2 for 1 deal
€0 – €5.99