Clean&Unique celebrates this year 18th anniversary of our platform and 17th March we will celebrating this in Amsterdam. Our host of today is Sustainalab.
Driven by the 5 P's of People, Planet, Partnership, Purpose and Peace of sustainability we will taggle today Partnership; What has sustainable fashion to do with Partnerships?
During this SWAP EVENT . This SWAP EVENT is hosted by Clean & Unique member The Swapshop
Bring 1-3 items and go home with new items you choose.
Location; Groundfloor Entrance Matrix 1 Building
Time: 16.00 - 19.00 hr.
How it workst:
- Hand in your previous favourites
- Bring up to 5 items (clothing, shoes and accessories) to this event and hand them in personally.
- Turn them into swaps. Receive swaps on your account for every item you turn in. The higher the quality of an item, the more swaps you get.
- Choose your new found favourites. Use your swaps to get 50% off the retail price of items in our shops and at our events. Each swap gives a discount of €1.
We are convinced about the power of people by bring them together and something magic happens. Join this festival for a good start of the Week of Circularity
Part of TOEKOMST TEXTIEL CAMPAING. Toekomst Textiel: Clean & Unique ism Sustainalab – de Week van de Circulaire Economie