Fe+male Tech Heroes Monday Meetup

Fe+male Tech Heroes Monday Meetup

Join us for the Fe+male Tech Heroes Monday Meetup on March 31st! Connect, learn and network with the FTH community.

By High Tech Campus Eindhoven

Date and time

Monday, March 31 · 5 - 6:30pm CEST


AI Innovation Center

5 High Tech Campus 5656 AA Eindhoven Netherlands

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Join us for Monday Meetups, where speakers from our network of 24 FTH Partners will share insights on topics ranging from leadership to negotiation. Our speakers are ready to offer guidance, and an open mic session will provide opportunities for job seekers and those seeking advice to connect with our extensive ecosystem. We're here to help you build connections.

Then we move to drinks and networking: where the magic happens!

FTH Monday Meetups are free events and will be scheduled on the last Monday of the month.

We have space for 80 people and tickets will go fast, so register for the event now!

Watch our social media channels for more information on speakers and future dates.