Fnirs evenementen in Maastricht, Nederland
Advanced fNIRS Applications:Best Practices for Integration with fMRI or TMS
Mon, Mar 10, 9:00 AM
Advanced fNIRS Applications:Best Practices for Integration with fMRI or TMS
Mon, Mar 10, 9:00 AM
Soirée RedCactus Poker X The Clover Poker Club à HERSTAL (BE)
Wed, Feb 5, 7:00 PM + 50 meer
Clover Poker Club
Soirée RedCactus Poker X The Clover Poker Club à HERSTAL (BE)
Wed, Feb 5, 7:00 PM + 50 meer
Clover Poker Club
Macarons Backkurs - Valentinstag Special - Samstag 15. Februar `25 - 11 Uhr
Sat, Feb 15, 11:00 AM
Bachstraße 18
Macarons Backkurs - Valentinstag Special - Samstag 15. Februar `25 - 11 Uhr
Sat, Feb 15, 11:00 AM
Bachstraße 18
Soirée RedCactus Poker X Bowling de Namur à NAMUR (BE)
Tuesday at 7:00 PM + 51 meer
Bowling and Squash Namur
Soirée RedCactus Poker X Bowling de Namur à NAMUR (BE)
Tuesday at 7:00 PM + 51 meer
Bowling and Squash Namur
Soirée RedCactus Poker X Le Drakkar Rouge à NAMUR (BE)
Monday at 7:00 PM + 49 meer
Le Drakkar Rouge - Bar Lancer De Haches Belgique
Soirée RedCactus Poker X Le Drakkar Rouge à NAMUR (BE)
Monday at 7:00 PM + 49 meer
Le Drakkar Rouge - Bar Lancer De Haches Belgique
Rosenmontagszug-Tribünenplätze inkl. Catering, Moderation, Toilette u.s.w.
Mon, Mar 3, 12:00 PM
Latif's - Frontcooking & Bar
Rosenmontagszug-Tribünenplätze inkl. Catering, Moderation, Toilette u.s.w.
Mon, Mar 3, 12:00 PM
Latif's - Frontcooking & Bar